Welcome to my blog!
Lemme introduce myself.
I'm Caleb! New to the whole blogging scene. Truth be told I was asked to make this blog as a part of a course I'm taking in my studies. Even so, The idea seems pretty cool to me!
I've used social media for a long time now, like a lot of people have. I will admit though that this is very different. Feels a lot more like a journal than a post on Instagram. In that way it feels a lot more personal, ya know?
As mentioned I started this blog for a class that I am taking this semester, called Family Relations. You can probably guess what the class is about. I myself come from a family, as many do. I've got a wonderful father and a wonderful mother, as well as a good number of brothers and sisters. Truth be told, they're a lot of the reason why I'm actually taking this class. I want to understand more about them as my family.
My professor has taken time to explain what the class is about, and I'm pretty sure that I'm very much looking forward to the semester! I come from a background of faith, and as many do, there's a lot of claims as to how living your life a certain way as prescribed by faith bring merits and blessings. Personally, I do believe that the way my faith instructs me to live. But understandably, my opinion isn't too great for convincing others of what I believe.
This class is going to fix that for me. It's hard to argue against truth, and the truth can always be found with enough investigation. Many claims from my faith, such as the importance of families in society, can be proven with proper research. That's what I'm hoping to understand and perhaps help you to understand.
Everyone comes from different backgrounds. As such, we have many differences. Even so, I believe that there's a universal good. Sometimes, we aren't able to comprehend this universal good right off the bat. I think you'll find though that if you make room for truth, even if you don't think it's enough room, you'll find that the truth finds room in you. So enough rambling. More truth to come!
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