Week 12 - Choices to make
Hey everyone! Thankfully, this week hasn't been as busy as past weeks. I think I got the majority of what needed to be done out of the way already, so I was able to take some time to rest and handle other important things in my life. With all luck, I'll know where I can intern in the fall! Fingers crossed! We were going over parenting this week, reviewing effective and ineffective parenting techniques. Everyone comes from different backgrounds and different lifestyles, so it can be difficult to say that -blank- is the correct style of parenting. At the same time, children are different, even within the same family, so there's really no end-all parenting tricks that hold the answers to all of parents' questions. One thing I want to address is the idea of choice. Even from a young age, children are faced with choices every day, from what to wear, who to talk to, how to behave, and other perhaps minor things. As they grow older, they are faced with bigger and more conse...