
Showing posts from January, 2021

Other Great Blogs

I also want to recommend these other great blogs!  1.  Cally Mikesell - Family Relations Blog 2.  Kosin Outha-aphay: Family Relations 3.  Alexa Miller - Family Relations Blog 4.  Andrew Tran - Family Preparation 5.  Chris Diunno - Just a Reminder - Family Relations 6.  Lynea Ririe 7.  Luke's Blog for Family Relations 8.  Christen Gunnell - Family Relations 9.  Rebecca Hyde - Family Relations Blog 10.  Kimberly - Relationship Riots and Resolutions 11.  It's a Family Way of Life 12.  Kaity Tackett - Family Relations 13.  Family Matters 14.  Kassi Burwell - My Family Relations Blog 15.  The Value of Family Relations 16.  Jana Hardy - Family Relation Thoughts by Me 17.  Daisy Licona - Family Relations 18.  Family Time 19.  Ana Valle - The Most Important Unit 20.  Connor's Family Blog   21.  Alex Johnson - Family Relations 22.  Olivia - Family Relations Blog 23.  Ashly...

Week 2 - Trustworthy Sources

  Hey everyone! Before we get into what it is that I had prepared for today, I wanted to just give a quick update on myself for you guys. I’m here at the end of the second week of the semester and I’m doing pretty good! There’s a few adjustments that I need to make to my schedule, but overall things are going good. I do miss my family a bit. My sisters and brothers back home make many efforts to reach out to me, which I appreciate. The issue is that sometimes I just don’t have the time to spend with them, being that they’re so far away from where I am. It can be rough, but I know that what I’m doing here is worth the difficulty. Anyways, I want to start today’s actual blog post with a disclaimer or two. First off, my views do not wholly represent the views of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Though I am a member of the church, I am not authorized to speak on their behalf in any way. If there’s any differences of opinion you’d like to voice about my posts, feel f...

Welcome to my blog!

Lemme introduce myself. I'm Caleb! New to the whole blogging scene. Truth be told I was asked to make this blog as a part of a course I'm taking in my studies. Even so, The idea seems pretty cool to me!  I've used social media for a long time now, like a lot of people have. I will admit though that this is very different. Feels a lot more like a journal than a post on Instagram. In that way it feels a lot more personal, ya know? As mentioned I started this blog for a class that I am taking this semester, called Family Relations. You can probably guess what the class is about. I myself come from a family, as many do. I've got a wonderful father and a wonderful mother, as well as a good number of brothers and sisters. Truth be told, they're a lot of the reason why I'm actually taking this class. I want to understand more about them as my family. My professor has taken time to explain what the class is about, and I'm pretty sure that I'm very much looking f...