
Showing posts from April, 2021

Week 13 - From the Ground Up

  Hey everyone! Well, that was the last full week of school. Man. I'm glad this semester is over. It's been strange, and a lot of things have been difficult about it. Certainly it's tested my patience and confidence in everything, but that can be good. We grow through our hardships, right? That much is something that I want to focus on with this, what will be my last post for the semester. Families aren't perfect. Our best efforts aren't always reflected in the results sometimes. As we've seen, men and women are innately different, and oftentimes for a variety of reasons, those differences can create discord and disagreement. Ideally, we employ the characteristics and attitudes that help us to overcome those differences, but sometimes that just doesn't happen. In times like this couples far too often turn to divorce as an answer. In the scriptures, Christ taught an interesting doctrine concerning divorce. He taught that it isn't the way to go, save it be...