
Showing posts from February, 2021

Week 8 - Expectations

Week 8 – Expectations Hey everyone! Gotta be honest, this has been a great week. I’ve had some very productive days this week, and I’ve spent some great times with friends and family. Recent events and developments just have left me pretty happy, got to be honest. Hope you’ve all had a great week as well, and I’m sorry if you haven’t. Now, onto this week’s material. I’ll be honest with you upfront; it deals with sex and intimacy in marriage. If you’re sensitive about that, then feel free to gloss over this week’s post, but I really do hope you’re comfortable talking about that at this point. We talked about physical intimacy for the first half of the week. Class this week did an excellent job informing me of some key differences between men and women pertaining to this subject. For example, men and women are very different in the moment when making love. Men are a lot quicker to go through the motions of arousal, plateau and climax, whereas for women it takes a lot longer to go t...

Week 7 - Dating, Courting, Marriage

 Hey everyone! Well, I can at least say that this week was better than last week! For one, I haven’t been sick all week so that’s definitely a plus. Also, I had a major change in time budgeting which has proven highly beneficial. I was working an early morning job up until now, and though it did help an awful lot, I felt that I struggled more than I should to keep up. Quitting that job was a tough decision. After all, you can’t just wish for money to appear… or can you…? I’m looking at you IRS. I know I submitted my tax return forms this year. For sure though, a much better week this week than last. Not a whole lot happened, but I had a lot of fun throughout the week! Anyways, onto what was shared this week. We only had class once this week, due to the holiday on Monday. Did enjoy that day off, was super nice. We spoke a lot about dating, courting, and marriage, specifically in that order. The topic was about the phases of dating, and how there’s definable phases. Very intere...

Week 6 – The wonderful world of dating

Hey everyone! So if you can't guess by the title, or by my own life's experience, I definitely paid a lot of attention this week. I mean, what young man my age who isn't married or dating someone wouldn't want to learn about dating, am I right? As always, I definitely feel that I learned a thing or two this week. Before I get into that, as I usually do I'd like to update you guys on how I'm doing. I feel that this helps keep my soul in what it is I'm talking about. Otherwise this would just be doing homework , which can be easy to feel like sometimes. This week has not really been one of my better weeks, if I'm being honest. I felt a bit under the weather , and that much has been frustrating to me. I feel like I'm a pretty social person, so when sickness or other illnesses come and interrupt that, I have a hard time typically. So this week has been a lot of staying at home rather than going out and not doing much. Can't say it's been the ...

Week 5 - Key Differences

 Hey everyone! This week was probably one of the slowest weeks of my life. I work early mornings and man. It was hard to make it through these weeks. I felt super unmotivated during work and in turn, during classes. I don’t like being tired in class and falling asleep so I’m pretty sure I’m going to change things up in order to avoid that feeling of perpetual tiredness. It also makes me feel super unmotivated. Definitely want to change things up. Anyways class this week was interesting. We spent the first half of the week on the differences between men and women and the second half on homosexual attraction. To be honest, I want to focus on the first half. Not because I don’t want to talk about the second half, but I might have been half asleep, maybe even ¾ asleep during all of it. (Professor if you’re reading this, sorry.) I think I’m starting to understand myself a little better through this class. Our first half of the class talked about some key differences between male a...